Many of us do not realise that some words should not be pronounced as they are spelt.
May I share with you the following:
1) “as” is not always pronounced as “ass” but as ”a”
association: a-so-ci-a-tion (not as-so-ci-a-tion, i.e. without the “ass” sound)
astonish: a-ston-ish (not ass-ton-ish)
Other words of similar bent - assign, assistant, assume, assess, assertive.
Asset, however, is pronounced ass-set.
2) “em” is not always pronounced as “am” but as “im”
embargo: im-bar-go (not am-bar-go)
empower: im-pow-er (not am-pow-er)
Other words - embarrass, embrace, employment, emporium.
Embassy, however, is am-bas-sy
3) “en” is not always pronounced as ”an”
encourage: in-cou-rage (not an-cou-rage)
engage: in-gage (not an-gage)
Other words - encyclopaedia, enforce, entitle, environment.
Entity, however, is an-ti-ty and entertain is an-ter-tain.
Entrepreneur is on-tre-pre-neur.
4) “es” is not always pronounced as “as” but as ”is”
especially: is-pe-cial-ly (not as-pe-cial-ly)
establish: is-ta-blish (not as-sta-blish)
Other words - estate, escape.
Escort, however, is as-cort, essence is as-sence, and espresso is as-pres-so.
If you beg to differ, I stand corrected. Please refer to the dictionary for more examples.
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